Welcome to the Play It By Trust website

Play it by Trust is a book written by Thom Poole, a leading figure in the world of digital marketing, with an almost unrivalled track record in the commercial digital marketing arena stretching back to 1992.

In the light of many of the abuses of digital marketing, such as spam, the 419 scam, etc., Thom decided to draw attention to the
ethical side of digital marketing.

At the core of
ethical digital marketing is Trust - without which our lives as marketers would be considerably harder. In this book, Thom explores aspect of the on- and offline market and how trust and ethics affect and are affected by our actions.

Thom has been a regular contributor to on- and offline publications such as the
Daily Telegraph Business Club, The Mix and CRM Today, as well as being a popular speaker at seminars, trade shows and business briefings around Europe, and appearing on TV. He is visiting professor of marketing and developed the first MSc in digital marketing for a London Business School.

© 2005-15 Thom Poole. All rights reserved Contact the author