Finally published
01/11/07 08:15
| PublishingWell after four years waiting to publish this book, I finally got a publisher to the book on.
This is partly my fault for not pushing it too hard, as the long lead times do lull you into a false sense of security, but I have also been busy promoting the underlying principles of trust in e-business, and busy earning a crust from my consultancy and teaching.
I was asked recently if this experience will put me off writing another book - certainly not. The reception I have received so far from professionals in the marketing and Internet world has inspired me to continue with my efforts, and when I have enough material (and time), I will write another book. I even have an idea for a novel - but that is another story.
One of the first presentations I made on the subject of trust was at Cranfield Management College, and the feedback I received there inspired me to write the book. I had an irate delegate complaining to me, that I should not have to present these ideas to business leaders. He then went on to thank me for putting the ethics and trust debate back into focus for the companies present at the conference.
The book is now on sale, and will be available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc in the next few weeks - and, of course, I would say that it would be an ideal book for Christmas!! Seriously though, I hope that many digital marketers will find the book thought provoking and useful in their digital marketing activities.